Check .lt domain
Website Creation Workshop in Kaišiadorys
The citizens of Kaišiadorys who want to create a website are invited to participate in the practical website creation workshop at the Kaišiadorys Tourism and Business Information Center on 6 December, 2023 13:00 – 17:00. This free event should be of interest to representatives of small and medium-sized businesses and anyone who wants to create or improve websites without programming knowledge.

How to register a domain and create a website yourself without programming knowledge?
You will learn in the domain registration and website creation workshop the following things:
- How to choose and check a domain name?
- What is an accredited registrar and how to choose a provider for domain registration and website hosting services?
- What are the domain name servers, DNS records and how to change them?
- How to manage shared webserver with the DirectAdmin?
- How to install a freeware website content management system (CMS) WordPress?
- How to choose, install and customise a design template (theme) for a website?
- How to create and publish SEO friendly content on a website?
- How to ensure cybersecurity and maintaince of a website?
It is recommended to have a laptop, because it will be possible to create your own website.
The training will be conducted by Vaidotas Jakuška, Marketing and Communication Specialist of Internet Service Center DOMREG at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU).
Published 2023-11-23