Check .lt domain

.LT registry has updated website

The Internet Service Centre DOMREG at Kaunas University of Technology has updated its website The updated website is more convenient for the visitors, provides more information and better representation of .lt domain and the registry’s activities.

USA expert: the amount of the web surfers suffering from the cyberterrorism is increasing

With increasing number of the cyberattacks, the most vulnerable remain the users who are not concerned about the safety online, warns Dave Piscitello, Senior Security Technologist and Vice-President for Safety and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). According to the expert, the viruses distributed with spam, as well as website forgery remain the biggest issues of cyber safety faced by the web surfers.

The use of e-services is growing in the Baltic States, Estonia is a clear leader

With the increasing amount of the domain or internet names, increases the use of e-services. According to the experts of the conference “Baltic Domain Days” in Riga, the 3% annual increase of the number of the Baltic domains .lt, .lv and .ee increases the use of the e-services by 6%. So far, Estonia is the leader with the widest range and use of e-services among the Baltic States, but all Baltic States keep up with the largest economies in Europe in terms of the internet names.

Cryptocurrency fever persists in Lithuania: the number of the domains related to the virtual currency is increasing

The Internet Service Centre DOMREG at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) notices a particular increase in the volume of the registration of the Lithuanian cryptocurrency-related domains since the middle of the last year. 126 new Lithuanian cryptocurrency-related domains have been registered during the first two months of this year; there are more than 350 of them registered in total.

Quarter of a century old Lithuanian domain helps promoting Lithuanian language

While Lithuania celebrates the 100th anniversary of the restored independence, .lt domain, created in 1992 and identifying the country online, counts the 26th year of its existence. The possibility to register domains with Lithuanian labels was provided in 2004. It brings the internet closer to the native language. Today, there are more than 1600 domains with specific Lithuanian letters while total number of the Lithuanian internet names is close to 200 thousands.

The most beautiful Lithuanian domain name election"

Internet Service Centre DOMREG at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) in cooperation with the Lithuanian Computer Society and the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language organises the annual election of the most beautiful Lithuanian internet name. The most beautiful Lithuanian domain name of the year is chosen from the registered Lithuanian names with specific Lithuanian labels.
